Gray Dragon on Falcon Heavy
I often bring up the idea that the role SLS & Orion perform in taking crew to lunar orbit could be performed by Falcon Heavy launching a modified lunar Dragon with a crew of four, and I'm often met with skepticism from certain quarters of spaceflight fandom. Recently I've gotten frustrated that instead of framing their objections in the form of "how would that work with consideration X", many of the skeptics come out of the gate with phrasings along the lines of "that wouldn't work because X", seemingly not even considering the possibility that I and others have already accounted for X, Y, Z, and a number of other factors before bringing this up. Tired of trying to convince people one at a time, I've decided to lay it out here. I won't hit all of the details I've considered, but hopefully enough to convince most people that this is actually feasible. To be clear, I think of this as an alternate history story or an idea for a secondary or ...